A pamphlet on different subjects giving evidence of Creation is published every quarter together with the Creation Journal which carries up-to-the-minute news and comment. These pamphlets form an information resource on the Creation/evolution issue. Plus we publish books on Scientific Creation and Biblical Inerrancy.
One of our pamphlets shows how Creation is the foundation of the Gospel (249) while others trace Creation in Genesis (260) and Isaiah (243). Others are critical of aspects of evolution theory such as alleged vestigial organs (258) and supposed intermediate forms such as Archaeopteryx (76) and ape-men (151, 234). Many pamphlets consider particular creatures and show how they could not possibly have evolved.
These include whales (114) where the design of the mouth of the young whale fitting into the mother enables it to be suckled while at sea.
The Bombardier Beetle (233) had to have a perfectly functioning explosive defence or it would have blown itself up! The Palisade moth (248), birds’ feathers (255), bats’ sonar systems (247), the bee’s informative dance (264), and butterflies’ metamorphoses (257) could not have evolved. Other pamphlets consider the so-called chemical evolution of life (267).